HELTAI PRESS (1550) 1601-

The Transylvanian principality represented a significant cultural potential throughout the 17th century with its spiritual, commercial and political centre Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca, RO). Of the altogether eight printing shops in its territory this was one of the sites the printing tradition which - with the Heltai-press, -- reached back to the middle of the previous century.

The renaissance portal of the Szilágyi-house in the Híd (Bridge)-street, Kolozsvár (1636)
The crest of the town Kolozsvár,  often decorating calendars printed in red and black
The renaissance portal of the Szilágyi-house in the Híd (Bridge)-street, Kolozsvár (1636)
The crest of the town Kolozsvár, often decorating calendars printed in red and black

Gáspár Heltai jun. (1586-1611) son of the founder Gáspár Heltai, was leading the press personally until 1611, until he was chosen notar of the free royal town. Before his death (1618) he left the famous press to his daughter Anna Heltai married to the royal judge Tamás Hosszú (Lang). The latter, not a learned printer himself, employed a printer in the office who was in full charge of the typography.

The unitarian church and college in Kolozsvár
The unitarian church and college in Kolozsvár

This person was János Makai Nyírő, not only a learned printer but also a letter-caster. After he died in pestilence in 1622, he was followed by András Válaszúti Szilvási. His name can be found in a 1624 imprint together with the owner of the office Anna Heltai widow. András Szilvási was termporarily taking part in the activity of t he newly founded Principal press in Gyulafehérvár (Alba Iulia, RO). Although he probably soon returned to Kolozsvár, there are very few printings known from the coming years issued by the Heltai press, and none at all from the years 1628-1629.
The next data proving the existence of the press is the calendar for 1631 which appeared "in the office of Gáspár Heltus" and was printed by György Abrugi (RMNy 1477). During the time György Abrugi a learned printer with classical eruditon was in charge of the Heltai printing shop there were several works of unitarian (antitrinitarian) confession issued. His name occurred in books with Kolozsvár imprint for the last time in 1651.

During the 17th century the most productive period of the Heltai-press falls to the years between 1620-1630. The office still used the printing types originating from the previous century and a part of the ornaments, although rather worn, were also still employed.

Régi magyarországi nyomtatványok (RMNy) - Res litteraria Hungariae vetus operum impressorum, 2: 1601-1635, ed. by Borsa Gedeon and Hervay Ferenc. Budapest 1983.
V. ECSEDY Judit: A könyvnyomtatás Magyarországon a kézisajtó korában. Bp. 1999, 116.
HEREPEI János: A Heltai-nyomda sorsa, MKsz 1957, 55-58.