in english


The aim of the Typographia homepage created by the staff of the National Széchényi Library, as a research institution, is to inform experts, those interested in book history and also the public about recent developments of book-historical researches. The Typographia homepage consists of two units: on the one hand a database of printers and printing places within the territory of the Carpathian basin within the period 1473--1948, on the other hand the data of printers and printing shops active in the first century of printing in the form of text and illustrations is displayed on the website under the title The Hand-Press Period. We are convinced that this database of printers and printing places easily accessible through internet
together with the informative and spectacular, richly illustrated website of Hungarian printers and printing history will give a richness of date and information on the subject to any libraries in Hungary and abroad as well as to experts dealing with the subject.

Országos Széchényi Könyvtár - National Széchényi Library
last up-date: 30/04/2011

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